Bla bla bla

Publicerad 2013-01-09 03:55:22 i I USA,

I really don't know what to do! I'm just so mad! I thought it was gonna get better after the meeting but after today I just feel that it's gonna be really hard to get this thing back to a good situation.

Anyways, went to my first track practice today. They're so much better than me. I've never really had any competition since I always run by myself and nobody really pushes me, so I kinda always run my own pace and take it easy. So this was really hard. And of course my effing hip started hurting. Don't really know what to do with it. I felt like I was really failing. But we'll see.

One thing that makes me strong though, is that my mom and sister will be here in 73 days. Kinda need them here. Would be better if they were here with me right now, but you can't have everything.

Looking forward to the future

Publicerad 2013-01-08 17:39:07 i I USA,

So yesterday evening, my IEC came over to have a family meeting with me and my host family. It was just to talk about some problems that I think we have. I wanted something to change so that I'll have a great last semester here before I go home. So we talked about our expectations and stuff and I think we'll be good now.

Now I'm looking forward to all the trips with EF, my mom and sister coming here, PROM, and stuff. I'm gonna make these last 4-5 months great!

last day of winter break

Publicerad 2013-01-06 20:48:05 i I USA,

Can't believe we're going back to school tomorrow. I'm so not ready for it yet. But track season starts in February so that'll be fun! Today I'm going to the doctor's the get my physical done so I can hand in my sport packet. And then the tryouts will probably start soon. And hopefully I'll make the team! I really hope I do cuz then I'll have a lot to do everyday and not have so much time to kill after school.
So yeah, today I'm going to the doctor's. And I also need to get my children's book done for Spanish. Blä. I really wanna watch Big Brother. I miss it. And Paradise Hotel too. Blä. I don't wanna go back to school but at the same time I really wanna go back to school...
Now I'm gonna eat some breakfast and then start working on my book.


Publicerad 2013-01-06 04:32:50 i I USA,

Fan vad jag blir sur! Ingen vill lyssna på mig! Jag kom inte hit för att ligga och ha tråkigt! Jag kom inte hit för att göra exakt samma grejer jag kan göra hemma. Vafan.


Publicerad 2013-01-06 04:32:43 i I USA,

Fan vad jag blir sur! Ingen vill lyssna på mig! Jag kom inte hit för att ligga och ha tråkigt! Jag kom inte hit för att göra exakt samma grejer jag kan göra hemma. Vafan.

The Bellagio

Publicerad 2013-01-05 05:39:07 i I USA,

Spent the entire morning at the Bellagio down on the Strip to do a video prod project with Irene. We were taping the Christmas decorations and flowers and stuff and interviewed random people. And Irene made me do the last part of it all. I stood in front of the camera and saying: ... For PVTV, I'm Emma Liljegren with Irene and Tia. CAN'T BELIEVE MY FACE WILL BE ON PVTV. Really don't wanna watch it. Terrible.

We went down there at about ten so when I got home at 3, I was dead. It was a while a go since I woke up before 10, and today I woke up at 9. I was so tired when I got back home so I slept from like 4-7.. So now I'm wide awake, about to watch the Hunger Games, wiiie! Before we got home we also went to a couple of stores. Bought a birthday gift to my bestie and some goodies to me from VS since they had a great sale!


Publicerad 2013-01-04 07:46:36 i I USA,

I wrote the last post a lot earlier today but it didn't want to post it until now, haha. Puss!

Going craycray

Publicerad 2013-01-04 07:45:50 i I USA,

Feels like I have so much stuff to do! I have to pay my phone bill (today or it'll stop working), go up to Don's house and pay for the Brian Head ski trip (before the 5th or I won't be able to go), buy birthday & Christmas gifts to my bestie back home (both are late gifts sine her birthday was on the 1st, good job Emma) and buy birthday gifts to my mom and my sister (not late YET, but if I don't get them soon and send them soon, they will).

Today I woke up at 11 (!!!) and then I laid in bed watching housewives of Beverly Hills until 1. Then the cleaning ladies came so I couldn't be in my room anymore. So I went out to the living room instead and slept on the couch. Now the time is 4 pm and Yvonne and I are gonna leave soon to get two things done on my to-do-list, pay my phone bill and pay the trip.

And it's my birthday in 28 days, CRAYCRAY!!


Publicerad 2013-01-02 20:46:17 i I USA,

Wednesday workout: DONE

Woke up at 10 and went out for a run. 40 minutes! And I looked good in the pink running jacket I got for Christmas haha. Now I'm just gonna stretch and then take a shower! Talk to you guys later!


Publicerad 2013-01-01 22:32:19 i I USA,

I'm getting tired of this. I miss my family. I miss my friends. I miss my freedom. I miss being independent. I miss my life. I miss being me.

2012 -> 2013

Publicerad 2013-01-01 04:03:22 i I USA,

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE BACK HOME!!! It's still 2012 here for another 5 hours and then it's our turn! We're gonna stay home, eat hamburgers and play pokino (bingo-thingy with pennies). Now I'm just laying around getting some rest before the thing from Times Square starts! And Justin's gonna be in it!! Wiiiie!

So yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say! SEE YA NEXT YEAR!

Les Miserables

Publicerad 2012-12-30 10:28:24 i I USA,

Had a really chill day today! Skyped with my mom when I woke up and then I was on the bike for a while. The rest of the day I basically slept through. At 6 I went to the movies with Janette and Elena to see Les Miserables. After the movie was over, after like 3 hours, we had Panda Express and then we got picked up. Now I'm gonna read a bit and then sleep. Puss!


Publicerad 2012-12-29 04:48:13 i I USA,

Been skyping with violet so much the last two days. Yesterday we Skyped for 10 hours, and now we're skyping again. Why?! CUZ WE'RE BOTH SO BORED! I actually miss school. I miss having something to do. Blah.

So right now I'm skyping, drinking tea, watching Hannah Montana and writing a blog post. Multitasking fo sho. And I'm texting with random people too. I wanna go home to Sweden just for a weekend. I wanna go out and have fuuuuun!!!

Morning workout

Publicerad 2012-12-28 20:53:34 i I USA,

Been on the exercise bike now for 35 minutes. Gonna do it for at least an hour. Need to lose the weight I've gained. Only 7 pounds left!!!


Min profilbild

Emma Liljegren Goncalves

TJARRÅÅ! Jag är Emma, 19 år, från fina Lund! Är f.d utbytesstudent som spenderade mitt år i Las Vegas, NV, USA. Kolla bakåt i arkivet om ni vill se hur jag hade det. Har ni frågor? Maila till [email protected]!

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