2012 -> 2013

Publicerad 2013-01-01 04:03:22 i I USA,

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE BACK HOME!!! It's still 2012 here for another 5 hours and then it's our turn! We're gonna stay home, eat hamburgers and play pokino (bingo-thingy with pennies). Now I'm just laying around getting some rest before the thing from Times Square starts! And Justin's gonna be in it!! Wiiiie!

So yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say! SEE YA NEXT YEAR!

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Emma Liljegren Goncalves

TJARRÅÅ! Jag är Emma, 19 år, från fina Lund! Är f.d utbytesstudent som spenderade mitt år i Las Vegas, NV, USA. Kolla bakåt i arkivet om ni vill se hur jag hade det. Har ni frågor? Maila till [email protected]!



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