Saturday workout

Publicerad 2012-10-27 22:57:45 i I USA,

The day started with a three hour Skype session with mom, sister, grandma and grandpa. I was with them when they had dinner and we just talked about everything so that felt really good. Then I had swedish pancakes with lingonsylt for breakfast<33333. When I was done eating I put my running gear on and went out for a jog. My workout today was 5 min warmup and 45 min slow jogging. Felt really good. The. When I got home and stopped running, my legs were like spaghetti, haha. Now I'm watching Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2. The clock is about 2pm and around 5:30pm something I'm going down to the strip to meet up with the other exchange student. We're going to fright dome! And I'm already freaking out a little bit about it, haha. Now I'm gonna take a powernap, then shower, then get ready for tonight and and then off to the strip! Byyye!

Postat av: Pappa

Publicerad 2012-10-27 23:57:35

Olá amor! Que bom saber que tu estás bem e que falas com a tua familia (eu nao sou) no skype!!! Mesmo bom e engracado!!!! È só pena que nao falas comigo no skype porque eu também gostava de ver-te :)
Fica bém e se precisares outra vez de $ diz-me ;) Beijao <3 Amo-te

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Emma Liljegren Goncalves

TJARRÅÅ! Jag är Emma, 19 år, från fina Lund! Är f.d utbytesstudent som spenderade mitt år i Las Vegas, NV, USA. Kolla bakåt i arkivet om ni vill se hur jag hade det. Har ni frågor? Maila till [email protected]!



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